frimousse Admin
Nombre de messages : 33114 Age : 71 Localisation : Jura suisse Date d'inscription : 22/02/2006
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| Sujet: Serbie: l'horreur totale! Mer 27 Sep 2006, 15:07 | |
| - Citation :
- Bonjour,
Désolée de vous faire commencer la semaine ainsi, ce sont les photos des chiens massacrés en Serbie...regardez ce que ces monstres font!! c'est inhumain...un des chiens a l'air encore vivant, c'est monstrueux!!
Lettre-type ci-dessous, merci pour eux! Et faites passer au maximum! lisa, , copie cachée:
To : Prime Minister of Serbia,Mr.Vojislav Kostunica and Mayor of Subotica city, Mr.Geza Kucera,
Dear Sirs,
I heard that local authorities at Subotica sent a build inspector who commanded to DESTROY all the dog houses and the dog shelter in Subotica where 450 dogs live. This dog shelter is legal ! People who are concerned about the wellfare of animals, such as EPAR and OIPA ,built it. This was hard working because nobody else helped them. By destroying this shelter those 450 dogs will have no boxes. All the work, the time, the energy of those people was for nothing?!
Epar, as a nonprofit non government organisation for protect of animal rights, asked help from republic and local authorities and offered collaboration, but they refused both.
Only Director of veterinary-Mr.Dejan Krnjaic said: "If you want to protect animals you must pay all what we ask if not the dogs must be kill by humane euthanasia". The anti rabic vaccination, Epar asked for, was refused in spite of the Law of veterinary which command that anti rabic vaccination must be paid by the republic budget of Serbia. Now vet.inspectors ask 3450 euro for those vaccinations!!! It's is outrageous!!! Is is not legal at all!! Epar can't pay this, so, by this policy, 450 dogs are condemned to be killed!!!
Why are you against organisations which want to protect animals?
I hope you will do everything to stop the destroy of the shelter and the killing of the 450 dogs.
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